Article originally published on cityofatchison.com:
Summary: This project will construct a 10 ft. wide concrete pedestrian and bicycle trail that will run for 1.55 miles, from the intersection of US-73 & US-59 to Raven Hill Road near the Atchison Hospital.
Cost: About $1.3 million
Funding: This project is primarily funded by a $1.17 million grant through the federal Transportation Alternatives Program. The grant application was authorized by the City Commission via Resolution No. 2928 on January 21, 2014. Additionally, the project is funded by a $55,000 Sunflower Foundation Grant and a $15,000 contribution from Walters Morgan & Live Well Live Atchison. Westar also made a $25,000 contribution to the City’s Capital Improvement Fund with this project in mind. All remaining costs over that amount will be funded by the City of Atchison Capital Improvement Fund.
Contractor: Kansas Heavy Construction
Construction Start Date: March 1, 2017
Completion Date: September 2017